Annual Report on the Aging Society 2017 reports that 1 of 5, 20% in 2025 in over 65 years old will be dementia after 4.6 million, 15% of senior citizens in 2012 was dementia. Today in Apr 2023 the number is estimated that 7.3 million will be dementia in 2025 as worsening estimation and the senior citizens are 36.2 million, 29.1% of the total and the number of dementia/MCI will be over 10 million including reserve group in 2025.
Dementia/MCI population and Prevalence over 65 years-old in Japan
source:2017 White Paper on Aging Society
Of course, 3 or 4 of 5 people can be safe statistically but it’s not 100% guaranteed. Generally speaking, dementia will be progressing gradually for over 20 years. Do you know who has high risk and what kind of health impediments can be key to accelerate it? We offer you to try “Health Promotion Service”, AxHELP( Health Experts Leading Program ) to take your ideal healthy life expectancy.