You can view reports on health and AI technology from Axion Research.
2023 6/9 Report
For the transport of lipids in the blood it’s realized by the binding of long-chained fatty acid and albumin. Short/medium chain fatty one has a high affinity and it’s dissolved easily in blood. Long chain fatty one shows hydrophobic and it can be transferred in blood as water-soluble lipoprotein complex like the other fat, phospholipid, cholesterol, ester and lipid soluble vitamin.
2023 6/9 Report
When we think about health management, eating habits are one of the most important points as not negligible. Many diet experts have been picking up the required factors of vegetable diet and you must have understood its importance and kept many information.
2023 6/9 Commentary
One type maker is useful as reference of some diseases but it’s not enough and not the best to estimate the condition of the internal body. It’s very hard to infer some disease possibilities happening now in the body. Can you acc...
2023 5/30 Commentary
Let me slightly describe the explanation of the individual health margin and AXR visualization technology. By chance, you might enjoy the very exciting scene that MD is trying to save a serious case as one scene of exchanges in a tense medical setting. We never expect to face the scene of big accidents or disaster and it’s the best to have nothing actually. We have no choice but to make a triage decision under the circumstances.
2023 5/15 Report
Annual Report on the Aging Society 2017 reports that 1 of 5, 20% in 2025 in over 65 years old will be dementia after 4.6 million, 15% of senior citizens in 2012 was dementia. Today in Apr...
2023 5/15 Report
As you know, we have an issue of food self-sufficiency rate, too. In the past years it is not improved at all in spite of so many discussions over decades.
2023 5/15 Report
Today the recent number of deaths in Japan increases drastically and shows the largest one in the past years exceeding the last year. Actually, Herpes zoster, cancer and the other diseases looks like increasing and people have some concerns about those. The reason cannot be identified yet because of so many factors. It is said still a mystery.