When we think about health management, eating habits are one of the most important points as not negligible. Many diet experts have been picking up the required factors of vegetable diet and you must have understood its importance and kept many information.
They recommend that Japanese can change the habit of meat-based diet into the vegetable-based one because many Japanese were grain-vegetarians in the past years. They sometimes suggest that people should eat more vegetables than fish or meat from the view point of digestion or nutrition balance to increase healthiness. The vegetable-based diet can decrease LDL-C in the body and emphasize the diet effect for QoL. The seaweed has minerals, vitamin and dietary fiber to make internal organs and cells healthy. It might be no problem for Japanese to eat it but the other citizens feel hard to eat it, according to some white paper. It can also be good to improve the constipation or intestinal environment. In Japan the macrobiotic has deep-rooted popularity for health-conscious Japanese and it’s getting to be well-known out of Japan recently. Some researchers point out that it might be hard to keep the best condition of healthiness for long time only by vegetable-diet. However, the number of vegetarians or vegans are increasing and spreading over the world today.
Are the vegetarians and vegans the healthiest people? Low risk and high QoL, really? Tammy Y. N. Tong reported the scientific research about it. Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, Verified email at ndph.ox.ac.uk, Nutritional Epidemiology. ➔ Tong TYN, et al. BMJ. 2019 Sep 4;366:l4897. BMJ. It’s introduced in Japan by Nikkei Goody, medical journalist Junko Onish Ms. Vegetarians are classified into six type(max nine)and those are compared to meat-diet and fish-diet. It reported that the vegetarians have advantage against heart disease risk but weak points for some brain disease, even if they take necessary supplement complementary.
In the report the screening of the participants was carefully done by the research team in advance. The 3-diet type were selected to make the minimum heterogeneity to remove the extreme bias carefully. The women/female ratio in those is between 75 and 82% and slightly high. The ratio of smoking and alcohol consumptions are less than 10~12% and 12~13%. The mean ages are 49 years/Meat eaters and between 39 and 42 years/Fish eaters and vegetarians. Their statistical anamnesis of lifestyle base diseases is similar and the difference is almost not recognized. However, the women participants are oral contraceptive users.
As you know, Vegetarians take protein from plant. Many white papers tells that it’s good for their healthiness to reduce the disease risk like myocardial infarction. However, some white paper like by Oxford team shows difference to increase the risk of cerebral infarction. It could not give us the good reason why Japanese food is getting popular to increase lifespan over the world. The study below could be one reason and result for us to understand it. To take animal protein helps us to reduce the risk of cerebral infarction by the good balance of taurine and cholesterol generally including Se/Cu or vitamin B. It could be hints for your QoL.